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Making Nitrous Oxide
The problems with whippets are, they're still fairly expensive. One whippet yields enough N2O g ...
22-8-2004 at 19:10
by: trinitrotoluene
Who needs a centrifuge ?
I'm going to rearrange my lab, so far I ditched my interest of energetic materials, and more co ...
22-8-2004 at 19:07
by: trinitrotoluene
Warning about OTC solvants
Vulture, people tossed metal into diethyl ether to prevent the formation of peroxides. I did the sam ...
12-8-2004 at 21:50
by: trinitrotoluene
Warning about OTC solvants
I always suspected that OTC solvants were not really pure. Indeed this was proven true. I was curiou ...
12-8-2004 at 02:07
by: trinitrotoluene
Who needs a centrifuge ?
I guess I stake my claim for the flasks.
10-8-2004 at 17:42
by: trinitrotoluene
Who needs a centrifuge ?
I live in America. I may need it, if it's the offer.
7-8-2004 at 22:33
by: trinitrotoluene
Mad Science at the max, where do you draw the line?
Certain things I will avoid. Making explosives dosn't scare me too much, unless they are super ...
7-8-2004 at 22:23
by: trinitrotoluene
peak oil
If this is true, then it won't be really long when oil production peaks.

http://www.lifeafte ...
12-7-2004 at 14:58
by: trinitrotoluene
email from idiot
I've been getting this strange email, and it may be from a member here? Why email so many peopl ...
28-6-2004 at 10:23
by: trinitrotoluene
Purchasing chemicals and lab equipment on Ebay...
I had also found certain coltrolled chemicals thats also found on ebay, anyone noticed that red phos ...
19-12-2003 at 17:25
by: trinitrotoluene
How did you find the Mad Science Discussion Board?
Must be over a year ago, that I found this link in the E&W forum. When I joined I stayed here.
30-11-2003 at 12:30
by: trinitrotoluene
Magnesium Nitrate
How much did you buy the magnesium nitrate for?
If your planning to use it as an oxidizer its defin ...
30-11-2003 at 12:24
by: trinitrotoluene
Zinc Sulfide
I had heard about zinc sulfide as a chemical that glows, it is activated with copper and silver usin ...
22-11-2003 at 18:19
by: trinitrotoluene
Green Fire!!
I've tried boric acid and methyl alcohol before, it does produce a nice green fire, I had email ...
1-11-2003 at 14:23
by: trinitrotoluene
EGD gives worser headaches, and I thought it was weaker than NG. I think the synthesis of NG is more ...
25-10-2003 at 12:27
by: trinitrotoluene
OTC diethylamine, the easy way
In what synthesis is diethylamine useful in?
3-10-2003 at 13:17
by: trinitrotoluene
Cannot log in
For some reason, from my house, I can't seem to get onto this board anymore. Whenever I try to ...
3-10-2003 at 13:14
by: trinitrotoluene
Garage Experiments With Trichloromethane.
Today I tried to make chlorform, accident happand...

In a 500ml erlin flask I added 100grams of C ...
20-9-2003 at 13:21
by: trinitrotoluene
I have returned
Yes I'm really glad to see you back. We all had really missed you.
12-9-2003 at 15:40
by: trinitrotoluene
Distillation equipment
I have my plan set to slowly aquire the componets for a 24/40 distillation setup. My 300mm graham co ...
9-9-2003 at 20:29
by: trinitrotoluene
I am wondering, since other sites have avators shoulden't we have out own too? I think an avato ...
31-8-2003 at 19:33
by: trinitrotoluene
How do I make Chloroform
I had found them in paint thinners before. I'm not exactly which brand. That time I was bored s ...
28-7-2003 at 11:21
by: trinitrotoluene
How do I make Chloroform
trichlormethane is chlorform.... its just a different name...

Diethyl Ether is found in paint thi ...
27-7-2003 at 22:00
by: trinitrotoluene
The limits of science
This had been in my mind for a while.... After reading some book. Will science ever come to and end? ...
26-7-2003 at 21:02
by: trinitrotoluene
Isopropyl peroxide ?
I have heard about the dangers of isopropyl peroxide. I had heard from account that you never distil ...
26-7-2003 at 12:16
by: trinitrotoluene
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