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Metallic Strontium " The metal can be prepared by electrolysis of the fused chloride mixed with potassium chloride, or ... |
27-6-2015 at 16:49 by: uzaymaymunu |
Metallic Strontium [rquote=410647&tid=62815&author=clearly_not_atara]Why not just reduce it with potassium? Ass ... |
27-6-2015 at 12:37 by: uzaymaymunu |
Metallic Strontium [rquote=410476&tid=62815&author=blogfast25]I suspect it has to do with the [i]overpotential[ ... |
27-6-2015 at 02:08 by: uzaymaymunu |
Metallic Strontium I'm confused about something:
When you electrolize brine solution, the half reaction on cathode is ... |
25-6-2015 at 16:40 by: uzaymaymunu |
Metallic Strontium Guys, I have master degree on organic chemistry. And I'm planning to do this experiment in fume hood ... |
24-6-2015 at 14:19 by: uzaymaymunu |
Metallic Strontium
[rquote=410190&tid=62815&author=blogfast25]Old fashioned but very doable on a lab/hobb ... |
23-6-2015 at 16:12 by: uzaymaymunu |
Ferrofluid This is useful. |
23-6-2015 at 15:31 by: uzaymaymunu |
Metallic Strontium Is it possible to get metallic strontium for us?
I mean:
A-With downs cell is possible?
B-Can som ... |
22-6-2015 at 12:45 by: uzaymaymunu |
Rainbow in a test tube - thin film interference
As the oxide layer forming on the surface of the hot molten lead thicke ... |
3-3-2013 at 09:22 by: uzaymaymunu |
Chemical Etching
Your answer "Lithium is more reducing than sodium, potassium or ceasium, and give more energy when ... |
22-1-2013 at 16:54 by: uzaymaymunu |
Pretty Pictures (1) My little birthday party Burning mix: sugar rocket fuel, mg powder and KClO3
[img]https://fbcdn ... |
22-1-2013 at 10:13 by: uzaymaymunu |
Chemical Etching [rquote=272381&tid=23114&author=platedish29]You grabbing on me now? Whats the problem with y ... |
22-1-2013 at 05:58 by: uzaymaymunu |
Chemical Etching
"My answer was referring to thermochemistry and gibs free energy, you fool. "Secondly lithium take ... |
22-1-2013 at 05:53 by: uzaymaymunu |
Chemical Etching [rquote=272404&tid=23114&author=Vargouille]So, iron ions is the topic of the morning, is it? ... |
22-1-2013 at 05:03 by: uzaymaymunu |
Chemical Etching [rquote=272394&tid=23114&author=plante1999][rquote=272370&tid=23114&author=uzaymaymu ... |
22-1-2013 at 04:58 by: uzaymaymunu |
Chemical Etching Poppy i'm sorry for my rude post. I had really bad day and i don't like persons "mr. don't do that" ... |
21-1-2013 at 20:39 by: uzaymaymunu |
Chemical Etching Fe^3+ + e --> Fe^2+ = +0.77 V and positive potential means reaction is themodynamically "volun ... |
21-1-2013 at 19:41 by: uzaymaymunu |
Chemical Etching Plante1999 Thanks for the lessons and it's really impressive for 16 y. old person.
But i know these ... |
21-1-2013 at 18:45 by: uzaymaymunu |
Chemical Etching I'm senior chem. student. So who the f. are you? Mr. child protector?
What is the meaning of "st ... |
21-1-2013 at 18:09 by: uzaymaymunu |
Chemical Etching If you want to etch metals like this: ... |
21-1-2013 at 17:44 by: uzaymaymunu |
Ferrofluid Project Thanks guys
1- I did not measure electrical conductivity but i think it is not. Because Fe3O4 par ... |
21-1-2013 at 11:40 by: uzaymaymunu |
Ferrofluid Project i've made ferrofluid from Fe[sub]3[/sub]O[sub]4[/sub], kerocene, and (as a surfactant) oleic acid.
... |
20-1-2013 at 08:34 by: uzaymaymunu |
Nitrous Oxide from Ammonium Nitrate "Heating 4 g. NH2SO3H with 10 cc. [u]previously boiled[/u] 73% HNO3 over a small flame produces appr ... |
14-12-2012 at 15:16 by: uzaymaymunu |
Nitrous Oxide from Ammonium Nitrate [rquote=268654&tid=22566&author=kristofvagyok]Just an idea: but if the lye or that liquid wh ... |
13-12-2012 at 16:36 by: uzaymaymunu |
Nitrous Oxide from Ammonium Nitrate Here a photo from yesterday...
[img] ... |
13-12-2012 at 16:04 by: uzaymaymunu |
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