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Interesting route to 4-methoxyphenol Nice work, shame that the yield was on a rather low side. I'd be interested in seeing your synthesis ... |
10-11-2022 at 23:19 by: xdragon |
A foray into phenethylamines of the Shulgin kind I don't have the exact protocol anymore, but benzoquinone can be fairly easily synthesised by the ox ... |
8-11-2022 at 03:54 by: xdragon |
TRPV1 antagonist synthesis Wonderful report, had a blast reading this. Definitely inspiring. |
22-6-2022 at 01:58 by: xdragon |
A foray into phenethylamines of the Shulgin kind Great content as always, Benignium.
I don't know if you remember, but I talked to you earlier out ... |
22-4-2022 at 16:14 by: xdragon |
5-hydroxyvanillin methylation? Post by "Flasky Mountain Flask" next door: ... |
8-9-2021 at 08:47 by: xdragon |
Anhydrous Conditions For absolutely dry conditions, after oven drying, pull hard vacuum, thoroughly dry with heatgun, pur ... |
18-5-2021 at 07:28 by: xdragon |
Dichromate overoxidation [rquote=658770&tid=157332&author=karlosĀ³]I don't have the paper on me, but I told you defin ... |
24-4-2021 at 12:49 by: xdragon |
Vanillin chemistry: 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine [rquote=658593&tid=157292&author=Benignium]
I was contacted by [b]The Vespiary[/b] user Saw ... |
20-4-2021 at 11:40 by: xdragon |
Vanillin chemistry: 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine Have you guys even read the thesis by Jademyr? NaBH4/CuCl2 works for a variety of substituted/unsubs ... |
20-4-2021 at 10:43 by: xdragon |